

联系人: 李经理
手 机: 15000119495
电 话: 021-61211140
传 真: 021-61211141
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地 址: 上海市奉贤区万顺路2277弄1号1502室
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发布时间:2016-07-22 12:30|  发布人:上海邵欧  |  浏览次数:

Warner Electric is the Global leader in the Power Transmission Industry for Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes. With over 70 years of experience and knowledge, Warner Electric offers the broadest selection of clutches, brakes, controls and sensors available from a single source.

联系人:李先生 Tel: +86-21-61211140 / 15000119495 Fax:+86-21-61211141 Q-Q:61337360


  EM-210-20FBB Brake, EM-210-20FBB, 90V   PCM23011A SPEC.0497   # 1704-2521 FSB-15 24VDC 3/8” Brake   RGT-300U-PCM   # 5370-270-016 ( obsolete ) ( replaced by ) # 5370-270-219   5370-169-204   500 AF Rough bores   ( MOQ ) 321.17.3232 Nickel Bellow Coupling   F721-40-B5-J   326-17-019 CB6 SUPER CW 115AC .75B 1STAO   F713-10-B5-G   F713-5-B5-J   950.30.X3505   4-397-897-004-9 Friction Disc 6” Drilled Std.   4-397-897-001-0 Friction Disc 6”   4-397-011-041-1 Center Plate 6” Solid Low Noise   4-397-897-001-0 Friction Disc 6”   4-397-011-015-1 Center Plate 6”   4-397-897-001-0 Friction Disc 6”   ( MOQ ) 703.19.24.24 Multi-Beam Clamp Type, 6.35 x 6.35 bores   EC-650, 90V 1.0”Bore # 5281-271-007   TB-425 24V ?”Bore   TB-500 24V ?”Bore   FB-475 90V ?”Bore   ERS-68 24V 1-1/2”Bore with conduit box   EM-50-10 90V GEN2 # 5370-270-204   EM-50-20 90V GEN2 # 5370-169-204   ( MOQ ) 500.19.2222 ( 232.19.22 X 2 + 236.19 X 1 )   5370-111-013   F718-5-B5-G   6010-101-001 PC Board, MCS-103-1   MB4-58   MB5-1   ( MOQ ) 135.45.0000   PM916AT-B   FWC718B600K-B5-G   SF-250 BM 90V ?” x ?”   H420 VAR01 SZ1600 D=90H7+R25P9 BT-125104858   MPC120-1-24   F713-20-B5-G   SS452L   SS452T   950.30.X3505   713-40-J   308-17-119   RG500UA-PCM   F721-30-B5-G   SMT-90778E   D24-20B5-08   MM23401C   326-17-019 CB6 SUPER 115AC 0.75B 1STAO   KML061-F11E   MCS-605-E2   BTCS-620   UM-180-1020 90V, 5370-273-214   4-281-004-073-3   SFM VAR10 SZ40 24V B=17H8   B163   ModEvo 300 / 2   ModEvo 300 / 1


 上海邵欧自动化设备有限公司 联系人: 李经理  手 机: 15000119495 电 话: 021-61211140  邮箱:   

 地 址: 上海市奉贤区万顺路2277弄1号1502  网址