

联系人: 李经理
手 机: 15000119495
电 话: 021-61211140
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发布时间:2016-07-22 12:30|  发布人:上海邵欧  |  浏览次数:

Warner Electric is the Global leader in the Power Transmission Industry for Electromagnetic Clutches and Brakes. With over 70 years of experience and knowledge, Warner Electric offers the broadest selection of clutches, brakes, controls and sensors available from a single source. Warner Electric has manufacturing facilities in North America, Europe, and Asia, and has Sales Representatives throughout the World. In North America Warner Electric employs the PT industry’s leading direct sales force and application assistance capable of providing the exact solutions to satisfy any customer’s PT needs. In the USA the total standard product range presented on this Website is available through more than a 1,500 distributor locations, with specialist distributors for the products in the Vehicular and Turf and Garden markets.

联系人:李先生 Tel: +86-21-61211140 / 15000119495 Fax:+86-21-61211141 Q-Q:61337360


  710-10-J   E320 VAR04 SZ6400 24VDC D=90H7 BT-107106297   PBM VAR02 SZ70 24VDC D=30H7   CW025-001 Calibration Weight for MOI-025   CS01-001 Collet Set for MOI-025   CBC-300 # 6021-448-001   F713-15-B5-H   APM916AT-B   F710-20-B4-J   306-27-031   305-27-001   305-17-001   2 MM301U   S721-25-N-J   DUTF-SPL-B   FWC721-900-S-B5-G-T3   B1624-16   710-40-G   C40061-010   c40061-040   K2XEP1.0-G05-24VM-14-R90   K2Xg05-24V-16   ER-825 HD 90V 1-1/4”Bore   180-0014   MCS-805-1, # 6090-448-006   F718-40-B5-G   203.34.3535   5370-273-204 UM50-1020 90V GEN2   7330-448-002 TCS-605-1   Friction Disc 6” ( closed to press plate / springs )   Friction Disc 6” drilled ( closed to end plate )   Center Plate 6 LI Low Noise   KML062F13   SS252B   M093-LS07 ( M093-FD07 was old part number )   7-106-100-224-0001   PCM4   PCM21000A   306-27-066   K2XG05-12V-16   TB-260 OM 24V B=3/4”   M062-LS09   WC36269-00   CL42155-257-1 GR FSO-600-45 GR   # 5423 / 00 Series 54 Coupling   318-17-001   ADUTF-B 1/4HP AC Motor   # 5103-452-018   5321-111-001 Armature w/adapter EP/MB/PB/PC-825   KML062-F07   500AF Rough Bores   5201-111-001 Arm. w/adapter EP/SF-825   TB-1000 IM 24VDC B=40mm (Warner France Made)   507-01-107   TB-612   B56-8   1630-DCTN   B1214-6   5367-631-008   5104-541-006   5103-101-003   K2Xg20-230V-18

上一篇:上一篇:WARNER ELECTRIC电磁离合器设备代理5216-101-029

 上海邵欧自动化设备有限公司 联系人: 李经理  手 机: 15000119495 电 话: 021-61211140  邮箱:   

 地 址: 上海市奉贤区万顺路2277弄1号1502  网址